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Unit 10 | Course Reflection

Personally, I think my most productive exercise in this course was Unit 4. In this unit, we were partnered in groups of 3 to record ourselves having a conversation about a video of our choosing, and we chose Kobe Bryant’s animated short. During this week, I was having a rough time mentally, and wasn’t able to meet in person with my group members. Because of that, my parts of the video are filmed separately alone, while they had a conversation together in person. Then, I edited the clips together to create a cohesive message. Although editing the video had we all had one conversation together would have still been a constructed voice, the added element of trying to have a conversation make sense even though I wasn’t a part of it was challenging, but rewarding. I had a good time figuring out where my thoughts would mesh well.

Aside from just figuring out my voice and how I wanted to analyze the video we selected, it was also interesting to learn my partner’s perspective of Kobe’s voice and message. Additionally, the video we chose was very moving and well thought out, and I enjoyed analyzing the different elements of the video that added to the message aside from the words themselves. Overall, I feel this exercise will be the most useful to me outside of this course because it helped me learn to collaborate under unfavorable circumstances, how to construct my thoughts and weave them in with the thoughts of others, and it reminded me how much I miss editing videos and how rewarding I feel after completing a creative project.

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