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Unit 8 | Identifying Voices
For this assignment I chose to examine the “genderless audio.” We tend to stereotype genders voices based on pitch, the higher the pitch the more feminine the voice. In that respect, I pictured the “genderless” audio as a man, because the voice was more deep than higher pitched (in my opinion). I have a habit of trying to put a face to a voice, and that process begins with deciding a gender. Personally, most of the people in my close circle of friends are cisgender, and I wonder how my interpretation of this voice would change if I hung out with more non-binary or even transgender individuals, seeing as my stereotype of what determines a gendered voice would be completely skewed from the dominant social stereotypes. By listening to this voice I began to realize just how many stereotypes I rely on when listening to audio, and how that might be misleading to me seeing as this is a genderless artificial voice.
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