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Unit 9 | Exploring Worlds Through Our Voice

What stood out to me the most about this survey was the difference in expectations between my family and my friends. As for my expectations from my family, I also think these are the expectations I think they have for me, which puts internalized pressure on me to do well, but I’m not actually sure how intense their expectations are for me. I wrote down that I think they want me to work hard, be responsible, have a good college-based career, and be sure of myself. As for my friends, I wrote that they would want me to be sure of myself, support others, be honest, love myself, and be loyal and trustworthy. The expectations of my friends leave more room for me to do me without pressure, which is probably why I enjoy their support over my family’s sometimes, I’m less afraid of disappointing them because I feel I am more capable of meeting their expectations, and possibly even exceeding them since I don’t put pressure on my schoolwork/career so anything I accomplish is just a bonus rather than meeting an expectation.

Certain spaces contribute to my identity because there are many layers to my personality. My coworkers will see a different side of me than my friends, and then a different side than my family or boyfriend. But at the end of the day, these are all aspects of me, and while I can adapt from world to world I am not changing as a person, just emphasizing different parts of my personality.

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